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Dr Brotosudarmo's main research is in biochemistry, focusing on the study of photosynthesis and their applications for foods, human nutrition, and health. He began his research career focusing on the structure and function of light-harvesting pigments and proteins in photosynthetic microorganisms. His work in Germany involved developing single-molecule spectroscopy techniques to study the reconstitution of chlorophyll within protein complexes. This research contributed significantly to the understanding of light-harvesting mechanisms for advancements in hybrid solar cell technologies. Dr. Brotosudarmo furthered his studies and investigated the unique structures of light-harvesting complexes in anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria. His findings on the flexible structural adaptations of these complexes under varying light conditions have been recognized internationally.  Upon returning to Indonesia, he explored the biodiversity of Indonesia, and his research team focused on the structural determination of natural pigments, such as carotenoids, employing chromatography and mass spectrometry. His work elucidates the structure-function relationships of natural pigments, contributing to advancements in nutrition and health applications.


See Dr. Brotosudarmo's Google Scholar for the complete publications.

Visit Dr. Brotosudarmo's Web of Science Profile; ORCID-ID.


  1. Pringgenies, D., Limantara, L., Sabdono, A., Radjasa, O.K., Brotosudarmo, T.H.P.: Application of Erytrobacter flavus for Coral Reef Conservation. Indonesian Patent Number: IDS000003820, Granted date: 27.04.2021. 

  2. Brotosudarmo, T.H.P., Adhiwibawa, M.A.S., Prilianti, K.R., Putra, E.H.E.: Method in wireless digital image acquisition for prediction of drought tolerant variant of soybean using fuzzy and artificial neural network algorithms. Indonesian Patent Number: IDP000067697, Granted date: 25.02.2020.




  1. Brotosudarmo, T.H.P. and Heriyanto (2023) Analisis Modern Senyawa Kimia Konsep Dasar Spektrometri Massa dan Aplikasinya dalam Ilmu Pangan dan Biomedis, CV. Media Sains Indonesia, ISBN: 978-623-195-046-8.

  2. Murdiyarso, D., Tjoa, A., Brotosudarmo, T., Juliandi, B., Mumbunan, S., Supriatna, J., Muladno, Iskandar, D. (2021) COVID-19 dan Ketahanan Pangan. In: Ragam Perspektif Dampak COVID-19, Oey-Gardiner, M. and Amin Abdullah, M. (Eds.), Jakarta, Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia, Print ISBN 978-623-321-081-2.

  3. Brotosudarmo, T.H.P., Limantara, L., Heriyanto (2019) Kimia Analitik Instrumentasi – Sebuah Pengantar dengan Aplikasinya dalam Analisis Pigmen Alami, Jakarta, Penerbit Salemba Teknika, ISBN 978-979-9549-50-1.

  4. Brotosudarmo, T.H.P., Limantara, L., Chandra, R.D., Heriyanto (2018) Chloroplast pigments: structure, function, assembly, and characterization. In: Plant Growth and Regulation – Alterations to Sustain Unfavorable Conditions, Diah Ratnadewi and Hamim (Eds.), IntechOpen, Print ISBN 978-1-78984-285-2, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.75672.



  1. Wartiningsih, M., Brotosudarmo, T.H.P., Tanzillia, M.F., Kodrat, D.S. (2023) Does Drinking Coffee and Tea Affect to the Hemoglobine Level on Women of Reproductive Age at Tengger? - A Preliminary Research, Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 8(3), 1524-1534. DOI: 10.30604/jika.v8i3.2356

  2. Brotosudarmo, T. H. P., Setiyono, E., Awai, K., Pringgenies, D. (2021). Marine bacterium Seonamhaeicola algicola strain CC1 as a potential source for the antioxidant carotenoid, zeaxanthin. ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 26 (4), 215–224. 

  3. Brotosudarmo, T.H.P., Limantara, L., Pringgenies, D. (2021) Recent exploration of bioactive pigments from marine bacteria, ScienceAsia, 47, 566-270. 

  4. Indrawati, R., Zubaidah, E., Sutrisno, A., Limantara, L., & Brotosudarmo, T. H. P. (2021). The Remnant photosynthetic pigments in tea dregs: identification, composition, and potential use as antibacterial photosensitizer. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 15, 835–845. 

  5. Setiyono, E.; Adhiwibawa, A.S.; Indrawati, R.; Prihastyanti, M.N.U.; Shioi, Y.; Brotosudarmo, T.H.P. (2020) An Indonesian marine bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas rubra, produces antimicrobial prodiginine pigments, ACS Omega, 5, 9, 4626-4635. 

  6. Brotosudarmo, T.H.P., Limantara, L., Setiyono, E., Heriyanto (2020) Structures of Astaxanthin and Their Consequences for Therapeutic Application, International Journal of Food Science, 2020, ID 2155682.




  1. Wibowo, A.A., Elim, P.E., Heriyanto, Prihastyanti, M.N.U., Yoewono, J.R., Shioi, Y., Limantara, L., Brotosudarmo, T.H.P. (2022). Effect of drying on the production of fucoxanthin isomers from brown seaweeds. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 00, e17057.

  2. Brotosudarmo, T.H.P., Wittmann, B., Seki, S., Fujii, R., Köhler, J. (2022) Wavelength-Dependent Optical Response of Single Photosynthetic Antenna Complexes from Siphonous Green Alga Codium fragile, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 13, 5226-5231.

  3. Prayitno, D.I., Dewi, E.N., Pringgenies, D., Brotosudarmo, T. H.P. (2022) Green ultrasound-assisted extraction of astaxanthin from fermented rebon shrimp (cincalok) using vegetable oils as solvents, OCL 29: 15.

  4. Brotosudarmo, T.H.P., Wittmann, B., Seki, S., Fujii, R., Köhler, J. (2022) Preprocess dependence of optical properties of ensembles and single siphonaxanthin-containing major antenna from the marine green alga Codium fragile, Scientific Reports, 12, 8461.

  5. Wibowo, A.A., Heriyanto, Shioi, Y., Limantara, L., Brotosudarmo, T.H.P. (2022) Simultaneous purification of fucoxanthin isomers from brown seaweeds by open-column and high-performance liquid chromatography, Journal of Chromatography B, 1193, 123166. 

  6. Brotosudarmo, T. H. P., Setiyono, E., Awai, K., Pringgenies, D. (2021). Marine bacterium Seonamhaeicola algicola strain CC1 as a potential source for the antioxidant carotenoid, zeaxanthin. ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 26 (4), 215–224. 

  7. Brotosudarmo, T.H.P., Limantara, L., Pringgenies, D. (2021) Recent exploration of bioactive pigments from marine bacteria, ScienceAsia, 47, 566-270. 

  8. Setiyono, E.; Adhiwibawa, A.S.; Indrawati, R.; Prihastyanti, M.N.U.; Shioi, Y.; Brotosudarmo, T.H.P. (2020) An Indonesian marine bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas rubra, produces antimicrobial prodiginine pigments, ACS Omega, 5, 9, 4626-4635. 

  9. Setiyono, E., Heriyanto, Pringgenies, D., Kanesaki, Y., Awai, K., Brotosudarmo, T.P.B. (2019) Sulfur-containing carotenoids from a marine coral symbiont Erythrobacter flavus strain KJ5, Marine Drugs, 17, 349.

  10. Kanesaki, Y., Setiyono, E., Pringgenies, D., Moriuchi, R., Brotosudarmo, T.H.P., Awai, K. (2019) Complete genome sequence of the marine bacterium Erythrobacter flavus strain KJ5, Microbiology Resource Announcements, 8, e00140-19. 

  11. Brotosudarmo, T.H.P., Heriyanto, Shioi, Y., Indriatmoko, Adhiwibawa, M.A.S., Indrawati, R., Limantara, L. (2018) Composition of the main dominant pigments from potential two edible seaweeds, Philippine Journal of Science, 147(1), 47-55. 

  12. Juliadiningtyas, A.D., Pringgenies, D., Heriyanto, Salim, K.P., Radjasa, O.K., Shioi, Y., Limantara, L., Brotosudarmo, T.H.P. (2018) Preliminary investigation of the carotenoid composition of Erythrobacter sp. Strain KJ5 by high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, Philippine Journal of Science 147(1), 93-100. 



  1. Lukitasari, D.M., Indrawati, R., Chandra, R.D., Heriyanto, Shioi, Y., Botosudarmo, T.H.P. (2024) pH-dependent stability of major betalains in the encapsulated beetroot extracts (Beta vulgaris L.), Journal of Food Science,  1–13.

  2. Soetantijo, L. A., Lintang, H. O., Heriyanto, Handojo, M. A. P., Brotosudarmo, T.H.P. (2022) Optimization of Adsorption and Desorption Time in the Extraction of Volatile Compounds in Brewed Java Arabica Coffee Using the HS-SPME/GC-MS Technique, Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi, 25 (2), 49-55. 

  3. Indrawati, R., Zubaidah, E., Sutrisno, A., Limantara, L., & Brotosudarmo, T. H. P. (2021). The Remnant photosynthetic pigments in tea dregs: identification, composition, and potential use as antibacterial photosensitizer. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 15, 835–845. 

  4. Indrawati, R., Zubaidah, R., Sutrisno, A., Limantara, L., Yusuf, M.M., Brotosudarmo, T.H.P. (2021) Visible light-induced antibacterial activity of pigments extracted from dregs of green and black teas, Scientifica, 2021, 5524468. LINK

  5. Jodiawan, Chrisdiyanti, D.N, Vi'atin, N., Prihastyanti, M.N.U., Chandra, R.D., Heriyanto, Siswanti, C.A., Hapsari, L., Brotosudarmo, T.H.P. (2021) Carotenoid analysis from commercial banana cultivar (Musa spp.) in Malang, East Java, Indonesia, Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 21(3), 690-698. 

  6. Dwivany, F.M., Sukriandi, N., Meitha, K., Brotosudarmo, T.H.P. (2021) In silico characterization of the structure of genes and proteins related to β-carotene degradation in Musa acuminata ‘DHPahang’ and Musa balbisiana ‘Pisang Klutuk Wulung’., Tropical Agricultural Science, 44(2), 429-447. 

  7. Heriyanto, Gunawan, I.A., Fujii, R., Maoka, T., Shioi, Y., Kameubun, K.M.B., Limantara, L., Brotosudarmo, T.H.P.(2021) Carotenoid composition in buah merah (Pandanus conoideus Lam.), an indigenous red fruit of the Papua Islands, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 96, 103722. 

  8. Chandra, R.D.; Siswanti, C.A.; Prihastyanti, M.N.U.; Heriyanto; Limantara, L.; Brotosudarmo, T.H.P. (2020) Evaluating Provitamin A Carotenoids and Polar Metabolite Composition during the Ripening Stages of the Agung Semeru Banana (Musa paradisiaca L. AAB), International Journal of Food Sciences, 2020, ID 8503923. 

  9. Indrawati, R., Kurniawan, J.M., Wibowo, A.A., Juliana, Gunawan, I.A., Heriyanto, Brotosudarmo, T.H.P. (2019) Integrated solvent-free extraction and encapsulation of lutein from marigold petals and its application, CyTA - Journal of Food, 17 (1), 121-127. 




  1. Prilianti, K.R; Setiyono, E.; Kelana, O.H.; Brotosudarmo, T.H.P. (2021) Deep Chemometrics for Nondestructive Photosynthetic Pigments Prediction Using Leaf Reflectance Spectra, Information Processing in Agriculture, 8(1), 194-204.

  2. Prilianti, K. R., Anam, S., Brotosudarmo, T. H. P., Suryanto, A. (2021). Non-destructive Photosynthetic Pigments Prediction using Multispectral Imagery and 2D-CNN. International Journal of Computing, 20(3), 391-399. 

  3. Prilianti, K. R., Anam, S., Brotosudarmo, T. H. P., and Suryanto, A. (2020) “Real-time assessment of plant photosynthetic pigment contents with an artificial intelligence approach in a mobile application”, Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 51(4), pp. 220–228.

  4. Adhiwibawa, M.A.S., Ariyanto, M.R., Struck, A., Prilianti, K.R., Brotosudarmo, T.H.P. (2019) Convolutional neural network in image analysis for determination of mangrove species, Proc. SPIE 11044, 1104404

  5. Prilianti, K.R., Brotosudarmo, T.H.P., Anam, S., Suryanto, A. (2019) Performance comparison of the convolutional neural network optimizer for photosynthetic pigments prediction on plant digital image, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2084, 020020

  6. Prilianti, K.R., Hariyanto, S., Natali, F.D.D., Indriatmoko, Adhiwibawa, M.A.S., Limantara, L., Brotosudarmo, T.H.P (2016) Artificial neural network model for photosynthetic pigments identification using multi-wavelength chromatographic data, The American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, 1723, 030016

  7. Adhiwibawa, M.A.S., Setiawan, Y.E., Prilianti, K.R., Brotosudarmo, T.H.P. (2015) Web camera as low cost multispectral sensor for quantification of chlorophyll in soybean leaves, Proceeding of SPIE9444

  8. Adhiwibawa, M.A.S., Setiawan, Y.E., Setiawan Y., Prilianti, K.R., Brotosudarmo, T.H.P. (2015) Application of simple multispectral image sensor and artificial intelligence for predicting of drought tolerant variety of soybean, Procedia Chemistry, 14, 246-255



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